Friday 5 April 2013

Full shelf, but perhaps not much more to go on

I had an 'ahah moment' of my own a while back. I was reading through the John Dehlin research and it listed all the historical things that might be causing people to leave. I got to the end of the list and thought, wow, I know all those and I've not left. It was odd to realise that I might be reaching the end of the line/bottom of the barrel.

My mental shelf is very full. It still creaks from time to time. Occasionally something new comes to mind, but I wonder if there's anything waiting to be found that will provide the final straw that breaks my camel back. But maybe there is. Who knows.

In the end I realise there's enough to justify leaving but insufficient to make staying untenable. In the end, I choose. And that's sometimes a strange feeling. Maybe most religious and philosophical viewpoints are that way by design. Enough to let you choose for yourself and not enough to close all other options off to you. Nothing perfect, but lots of working options. Vehicles for the same path. Fit for purpose.

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