Wednesday 2 October 2013

The prophet can never lead us astray... Really?

I remind myself when consodering questions like this of Hugh Nibley's quote:

"There's no office in the Church that qualifies the holder to give the official interpretation of the Church. We're to read the scriptures for ourselves, as guided by the Spirit. 

Joseph Smith himself often disagreed with various of his brethren on different points, yet he never cracked down on them, saying they'd better change this or that, or else. He disagreed with Parley P. Pratt on a number of things, and also with Brigham Young on various things." 

Hugh Nibley

It doesn't matter to me if Joseph was 50% wrong on everything he said. Given I probably have an even higher miss rate I can't really be too critical. 

The point is that I do follow many of the Mormon standards but not simply because "the prophet said so." At least not any more. 

I select and apply teachings that I believe to aid me in my progress on my path to godliness. Lots of them are via the standard works and Joseph's perspectives. But I do so because they work for me. Not because I am bound to follow the words of another imperfect human.  

I've come to the conclusion that the LDS prophet actually never can lead me astray. Only I can do that. I often say to the kids (after they blame bad behaviour on a sibling) "if he'd told you to jump off a cliff would you have done it?"

I know there are some Mormons who say they would metaphorically jump off a cliff for the prophet. That's still not the prophet's fault. It's the person's choice to follow. 

I have absolutely no idea, in absolute terms, where the words of revelation ends and the words of a fallible humans start. I don't know what is true. But I do know what works (for me). I keep applying the things that work. Many happen to be things taught by Mormon prophets. But it's still my choice and responsibility. 

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